
Make sure to enable stock management in WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory > Manage Stock option.

Enable stock management at product level in the “Inventory” tab and set product stock quantity below. Stock quantity will be the number of products available per day. Once this number of products have been booked on a date, the date is no longer available for booking.

If stock management is not enabled on the product, it can be booked indefinitely on each date.

Other inventory settings don’t matter for Easy Booking, you can set whatever you want.

Variable products

For variable products, you can either enable stock management on the parent product, or on each variation.

Enabling stock management at parent product level will share availability between variations (if one variation is booked, all variations will be unavailable for the booked dates).

On the other hand, enabling stock management at variation level means each variation has its own availability. If one variation is booked, the other ones will still be available for the booked dates.

Grouped and bundle products

For grouped and bundle products, you can mix products with stock management enabled and products without, depending on what you need.