All bookable
This option will automatically set all your products and variations as bookable. Any new or modified product will also be set as bookable.
Make sure to uncheck this option if you also want non-bookable products in your shop.
Number of dates
Customizable at product level.
Number of dates to select on product pages: one or two (start and end).
Booking mode
Two dates selection only.
Rent your products by day or by night. Days mode allows users to select the same date as start and end date.
Selecting two consecutive dates equals 2 days or 1 night (e.g. a booking from January 1st to January 2nd equals 2 days or 1 night).
Booking duration
Two dates selection only.
Customizable at product level.
Number of days/nights to select for a booking.
For example, if you want to rent your products per week, set booking duration to 7. This doesn’t mean you products will be booked for 7 days, but for blocks of 7 days.
Minimum and maximum duration
Two dates selection only.
Customizable at product level.
Minimum and maximum number of blocks (see booking duration) to allow bookings.
For example, with a 7 days booking duration and a booking maximum of 2, products can’t be booked for more than 14 days.
First and last available date
Customizable at product level (first available date only).
Number of days from the current date to allow bookings.
For example, if it is January 1st and “First available date” is 2, the first selectable date will be January 3rd.