Easy Booking PRO updates
1.0.9 - April 19, 2022
Error with non product order items.
1.0.8 - March 21, 2022
“easy_booking_product_unavailability_period” filter to allow different unavailability periods depending on product/variation.
1.0.7 - October 25, 2021
Possibility to import bookings from a CSV file.
Add argument to easy_booking_json_export filter.
1.0.6 - July 1, 2021
Issue with variations managing stock at parent product level when selecting dates.
1.0.5 - June 14, 2021
Possibility to export data as json/xml/csv/iCal from the “Reports” page.
Issue with prices overlapping several years.
Stocks not updated when cancelling an order on the frontend.
Issue with not-managing stock grouped products.
1.0.4 - May 5, 2021
issue with out-of-stock/disabled dates with summer/winter time.
1.0.3 - April 27, 2021
Possibility to pass dates as url parameters when adding to cart.
‘easy_booking_settings_capability’ filter to give different capability depending on the page.
Issue with variation stocks after modifying order dates.
404 error when saving license key on network.
Make settings labels translatable.
Error in “Reports” page when no tab was selected.
Issue with discounts/prices bouncing when changing variations.
Changed .datepicker class to .wceb_datepicker to avoid conflicts with other librairies.
1.0.2 - March 8, 2021
Reports page: load availability script only on availability tab.
FixIssue with stocks when updating cart for one date selection products.
1.0.1 - February 18, 2021
Error when deleting shipping costs in orders.
FixDisabled dates not applied when overlapping several years.
1.0.0 - January 28, 2021
Initial Release.